Good afternoon,
I hope you all fared well with the wild weather over the past week. With significant snow and a surprise snow day, lots of rain Tuesday night, and temps in the 40s yesterday, it was refreshing to be dry and simply cold at this morning’s drop-off.
This morning, I sent a message to all 7th grade parents/guardians about our Signs of Suicide (SOS) program. That message includes all of the important information about the program, so please check it out. There could be a chance you are reading this Eye on the Junior High message and you’re wondering why you’re a 7th grade parent and didn’t yet receive the SOS message. It’s likely because you either haven’t set up your Parent Square account yet, or you have preferences that default to sending messages as a “digest” late in the day. If that set-up works for you, great. If you’d rather see messages from the school in more real-time, I encourage you to explore Parent Square a bit. Please reach out if you need us to resend an invitation to your account.
In December, we had our students spend a few minutes taking a survey about their RJ Grey experience. Hearing from students only helps us, and in many cases, confirms that what we’re working on matters. Over the next few weeks, I’ll share a few of the response results.
You know we care very much that each of our kids has an adult they can trust at school if they need help with something. Last year, we ended the year with 81% of our students saying they had a trusted adult. This December, 89% of our kids reported that they have a trusted adult. We are very pleased with the increase this year.

We also ask students if they have an adult outside of school, and as predicted, that number is higher. It is clear that a strong majority of our students feel supported by adults both in and outside of school.

The third item to share today, and one that I will keep to show 6th grade families in the spring, is that 97% of our students report making new friends this year. While we are certainly focused on learning content, skills, reading, writing, and critical thinking, we also care that kids come to school and make strong connections with peers. Our students clearly told us that they’re making friends, which I hope you hear about at home!

I hope the graphs above help show that the work we do at RJ Grey every day matters. We feel very lucky to be able to work with our students and their families every day.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, Jan 15: No School, MLK Jr Day
Tuesday, Jan 16: Ski/Board Club Session #2 after school
Wed, Jan 17: JH Winter Band Concert, 7 pm
Fri, Jan 19: Summer Fun in Winter event, 3:00 - 4:30
Fri, Jan 19: Hawaiian Shirt Day at RJ Grey
Mon, Jan 22: Last day for Quarter 2 and Semester 1 classes
Tues, Jan 23: Ski/Board Club Session #3 after school
Wed, Jan 24: JH Winter Chorus/Orchestra Concert, 7 pm
Take care and have a great weekend!
Good afternoon,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a safe and healthy holiday season. My family had a great Christmas, mostly spent close to home. At some point during the week, every one of us had one virus or another, and from what I hear from kids and teachers, the same is likely true in your house. Aside from eating too much throughout the week, I read a book for fun (!), went running a few times, and listened to a great podcast, too. The Big Dig is a 9-episode podcast from WGBH, detailing Boston’s decades-long major infrastructure project through the city. I know I’m not the only nerd who liked it, as it’s rated quite highly. I listened throughout the week as I cleaned the house, made dinner, or performed other mindless tasks. If you like Boston history from the last few decades or if you wonder how major projects get completed, I recommend giving it a shot!
Later in January, we’ll be using our Advisory to have students push “reset” on their year. I’d encourage you to ask your RJ Grey student if there are areas where they might focus some attention in the new year. For some students, it’s remembering to bring their charged Chromebook. For others, getting to school on time is where their area of focus needs to be. If your child’s goals are to work harder, perform better in a class, or read on a more regular basis, please let us know how we can offer support.
I want to thank our PTSO, and subsequently, all of you, for offering a kind token of thanks before the December break. The PTSO gave each of our staff members a gift card to Dunkin’, along with a few candies. We are so grateful to be remembered throughout the year by our PTSO. They have financially supported us this year with our student plan books, Revolution t-shirts, and student council events. If you haven’t yet financially supported the PTSO this year, feel free to do so on their website. They’re a great partner and we appreciate their support!
Upcoming Dates
Monday, Jan 8: Library closed after school
Tuesday, Jan 9: Ski/Board Club Session #1 after school
Tuesday, Jan 9: School Council Mtg in RJG Library, 7 pm
Monday, Jan 15: No School, MLK Jr Day
Tuesday, Jan 16: Ski/Board Club Session #2 after school
Wed, Jan 17: JH Winter Band Concert, 7 pm
Take care and have a great weekend!
Good afternoon,
The volume and level of excitement at RJ Grey have grown steadily this week. In our classrooms, the halls, and the lunchroom, one can tell that something fun is coming! I bet you are experiencing the same at your home. I hope you are looking forward to next week with the same intensity as our students. If you celebrate a winter holiday, I hope it’s a fun one - even better if you get to have some time away from your own work routines.
I came across the poem below through some of my own professional learning this year. As is the case with most poems, the reader can interpret parts of it how they wish. In light of the vacation and a hopeful respite on the horizon, the idea of creating space in order for our flames to grow stronger resonates with me. Personally, some time away from RJ Grey will help to create the breathing space that will lead to a stronger fire in 2024. I know the same can be said about our staff and our students.
What makes a fire burn
is space between the logs,
a breathing space.
Too much of a good thing,
too many logs
packed in too tight
can douse the flames
almost as surely
as a pail of water would.
So building fires
requires attention
to the spaces in between,
as much as to the wood.
When we are able to build
open spaces
in the same way
we have learned
to pile on the logs,
then we can come to see how
it is fuel, and absence of the fuel
together, that make fire possible.
We only need to lay a log
lightly from time to time.
A fire
simply because the space is there,
with openings
in which the flame
that knows just how it wants to burn
can find its way.
-Judy Brown
I hope you are able to relax with friends and family over the coming days. I look forward to the New Year and the new things that will come our way.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, Dec 22: Early Release at 11:10 am
Tuesday, Jan 2: School Reopens for 2024
Monday, Jan 8: Library closed after school
Tuesday, Jan 9: Ski/Board Club Session #1 after school
Tuesday, Jan 9: School Council Mtg in RJG Library
Monday, Jan 15: No School, MLK Jr Day
Tuesday, Jan 16: Ski/Board Club Session #2 after school
Wed, Jan 17: JH Winter Band Concert, 7 pm
Take care and have a great week!
Good morning,
I hope you are all doing well. We are in the busy stretch of school days before our upcoming vacation. As such, this will be a pretty short update!
We’ve noticed an uptick in cases of Covid at RJ Grey in the past two weeks or so. Many of these cases have been with staff members, but we’ve also seen an increase in our students, too. When someone tests positive, the CDC and Mass Dept of Health require a 5-day isolation period. If your child tests positive, please be in touch with our nurses, and we can help give guidance about when your child can return to school.
We have a full week next week, with an early dismissal at 11:10 on Friday, 12/22. If your travel plans include heading out of town before next Friday at 11:10, and your child will miss school at some point, please be in touch with our Main Office. While your child may tell their teachers that they’ll be out, it is important to let the Main Office know too, so that we know who to expect each day. You can write to us at [email protected].
Upcoming Dates
Friday, Dec 22: Early Release at 11:10 am
Tuesday, Jan 2: School Reopens for 2024
Monday, Jan 8: Library closed after school
Tuesday, Jan 9: Ski/Board Club Session #1 after school
Tuesday, Jan 9: School Council Mtg in RJG Library
Monday, Jan 15: No School, MLK Jr Day
Take care and have a great weekend!
Good afternoon,
I hope you are all doing well. I want to start by putting in another plug for our annual Coat Drive and our Toys for Tots drive. Both are currently accepting donations through next Friday (12/15). If you have a used, warm coat that you’re looking to get rid of, we’ll take it! And the same applies for unused, unwrapped toys. Feel free to drop off any items, or send them with your children over the next week. We have drop-off locations in the main lobby.
This week in Advisory, we talked a bit about empathy. We defined empathy as the understanding of or the ability to identify with another person’s feelings or experiences. Each month, we have a lesson or two that shift the focus of the group to a learning or discussion topic. We find that some middle schoolers are the walking definitions of empathy - kind, considerate, thoughtful, and interested in others around them. Others could benefit from lessons on why empathy matters, especially as a member of a community.
After reviewing the definition, together we completed an empathy “quiz” where students self identified where they strongly agree, agree, disagree, etc. with a series of statements. Statements like “I easily feel sad when the people around me feel sad” or “When I’m upset at someone, I usually try to put myself in their shoes for a while” led to a good conversation in my group. We wrestled with the idea that it’s not always easy to think like someone else, especially when you’re upset with that person. I shared that I can strongly agree with many of these statements in my “work life” but may have a different response if I considered my personal life. All of this is to say that we continue to use our Advisory program to have fun and create strong relationships, and to also connect some social-emotional skills in small and concrete ways. If the topic of empathy comes up at home, you can expect that your 7th or 8th grader might have something to share!
With the upcoming vacation and holiday season, I know some of you have considered or have even already made plans for giving gifts to teachers. My own wife has done all the planning for small tokens of appreciation for my kids’s teachers, dance teachers, bus drivers, etc. However, I want to be clear that no RJ Grey teacher expects gifts and no family should ever feel obligated to provide one! I would recommend, if you have a few moments, that a kind email or word of thanks to a teacher goes quite a long way, whether around the holidays or at any time of the year! If you are committed to giving a gift, please know that there are state ethics laws that limit gifts that teachers, coaches, and staff are permitted to receive. School staff cannot accept gifts from a single family that amount to $50 or more in value for the entire school year.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, Dec 8: Report cards emailed home
Friday, Dec 15: Formal Dress Day at RJ Grey
Friday, Dec 22: Early Release at 11:10 am
Tuesday, Jan 2: School Reopens for 2024
Take care and have a great weekend!
Good afternoon,
I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving and long weekend. My family had plenty to eat over the weekend and decent weather to go along with it. We now have about three weeks of school until our first extended vacation of the year.
Next week you’ll receive a Trimester 1 report card. Trimester one closed this week. Now we give teachers some time to calculate grades and provide comments for report cards. Then we take a few days to compile everything and prepare the actual documents that will be emailed to you on Friday, December 8th. When you see the report card, if there is a question about how something was calculated, or the meaning of a comment, I would ask you to start a conversation with your child. If that doesn’t yield an answer that seems right, please reach out to the specific teacher to check in. The first trimester at RJ Grey is a complicated one since we spend plenty of time early in the term getting used to routines, getting to know expectations for the grade levels, and taking several assessments. The subsequent terms likely include more grades that come as the result of assessments of reading, writing, and other learning.
As I’ve noted earlier this year, RJ Grey is a strong community that steps up when asked to help. Just today, we read our initial announcements about two collection drives we have started. Our student council hosts an annual Coat Drive to benefit Coats for Kids. If you have any gently used coats in your closets that would benefit from finding a new home, we’ll take them off your hands! Adults or students can bring coats to our Lobby from now through December 15 for donations. That same time period applies to our annual Toys for Tots drive where we collect new, unused, and unwrapped toys. Both drives are open through December 15 - thank you for considering how you might be able to contribute.
I have heard rave reviews from teachers who went to last night’s Rock of Ages musical at RJ Grey! I will be in the audience tonight. I’m hearing that if you like 80s music, you will love this show. We have performances Friday and Saturday night at 7 pm and on Sunday at 2 pm. Tickets are available at the door. Thank you to anyone who can come support our students!
Upcoming Dates
Thurs, Nov 30 - Sunday Dec 3: Rock of Ages Musical at RJ Grey
Mon, Dec 4: Early Release at 1 pm
Mon, Dec 4: Coat Drive and Toys for Tots Drive begin
Friday, Dec 8: Report cards emailed home
Friday, Dec 15: Formal Dress Day at RJ Grey
Friday, Dec 22: Early Release at 11:10 am
Tuesday, Jan 2: School Reopens for 2024
Take care and have a great weekend!
Good afternoon,
On Monday afternoon, from behind my desk, I heard the phone ring in the Main Office and I heard Christine say, “Let me see if I can find him.” That means that she’s either looking for me or Mr. Zhang, our male assistant principal. She was looking for me, and said I had to go to Pam Reeves’ class and didn’t know why. Not having any more info, I grabbed my phone and walkie talkie, left the office, crossed the lobby, and entered Room 408 quickly, thinking something must be wrong - Mrs. Reeves never needs help! There waiting was her T5 Spanish class…21 8th graders… ready to sing Happy Birthday, in Spanish, to me. My birthday was, in fact, on Monday and watching them sing in Spanish (I was a Spanish teacher) was quite a nice moment. We have really great kids here at RJ Grey who together suggest and agree to sing to their principal on his birthday. I do feel very lucky to be a member of this community.
This week in Advisory, we are talking with students about communication and specifically, understanding the difference between intent and impact. This is a concept we often talk about in response to situations here at school, so I appreciate that we are attempting to be proactive in our efforts. Part of the mini-lessons include a few middle school-type scenarios. Our students’ task in between Tuesday’s advisory and Thursday’s advisory was to watch for situations where someone’s intent was different from the subsequent impact. We continue to use Advisory to talk about skills, in this case, social awareness and communication. 
Our school musical is opening up after Thanksgiving. Rock of Ages: Youth Edition will be a great show if you have a chance to come see it. We’ll have 7 pm shows on November 30, December 1 and 2, and a 2 pm matinee on December 3rd. Our students have been working on this show since September, along with our dedicated staff advisors. We hope you’ll come join us and have a great time!
We will be entering our winter sports season, starting after Thanksgiving. Please find the tryout schedule here. Please make sure you have completed the Family ID page, and make sure your child has an up-to-date physical on file with our Health Office. Please send any questions to our Junior High Athletic Director, Jon Duclos: [email protected].
Since next Thursday is Thanksgiving, I won’t write to you again until November 30. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have safe travels and an enjoyable holiday. I am excited to see my family and have a great meal, complete with leftovers, I hope!
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, November 22: Early Release for Thanksgiving (11:10 am)
Thurs/Friday, Nov 23 and 24: No School for Thanksgiving Holiday
Wed Nov 29: End of Trimester 1
Thurs, Nov 30 - Sunday Dec 3: Rock of Ages Musical at RJ Grey
Mon, Dec 4: Coat Drive Begins
Take care and have a great weekend!
Good afternoon,
For those who notice this type of thing, I missed writing my weekly message last week. I was out of the building on Thursday for some professional learning and then rushed to my second job (being a dad), and putting this column together just didn’t happen. I knew you would forgive me for missing a week!
I’ve written before that we are working with the Anti Defamation League this year on multiple fronts. Over the last two weeks, a group of more than 20 junior high students were trained as peer leaders by the ADL as we begin our A World of Difference Program. By all accounts, from our students, our staff advisors, and the trainers that came to AB, the training was worthwhile and our kids were impressive! As this group continues to work at RJ Grey, they will work together to design and deliver lessons to their peers on certain topics to help to combat hate and bias and promote a strong school community. When we have firm plans about those lessons, I’ll be sure to share those out with you.
While our students are entering a 4-day weekend, our RJ Grey staff spent today at school. This morning, we worked with trainers from the ADL to better understand forms of bias and how to respond with strategies that foster a safe environment for discussions on race, culture and other aspects of human identity. During the afternoon, we talked about our students and worked to identify which supports might be necessary for some of our students to be successful. We treated ourselves to a lunch that lasted slightly longer than 25 minutes, too. It is a real joy for me to work with our staff at RJ Grey. Professional learning days like these are integral for us to be a strong team who works together for all students. Having the chance to learn together, laugh a bit, and slow down for a few minutes, helps to rejuvenate us all for the work we do every day.
I referenced above that I had my own professional learning last week - it was a rare day for me to be completely out of the building, but it was well spent. As part of that day, I chatted with an assistant principal from another town in Massachusetts who talked with pride about how she uses Instagram to communicate the awesome work that her students and teachers do on a daily basis. Since then, we have made a concerted effort to resurrect our own RJ Grey Instagram account. Between myself and Mr. Zhang, we’ll be putting more time into using social media to tell our audience about the great things happening at RJ Grey. Please give us a follow at @rjgreyjhs. Mr. Zhang and I appreciate your follow and will love it even more if you like our posts!
We will be entering our winter sports season starting after Thanksgiving. Please find the tryout schedule here. Please make sure you have completed the Family ID page, and make sure your child has an up-to-date physical on file with our Health Office. Please send any questions to our Junior High Athletic Director, Jon Duclos: [email protected].
If you are interested in joining our School Council, please be in touch. Our council has met twice this year. We currently have only one representative from our 7th grade parent group, so if you are interested in learning more, please be in touch with me.
Finally, I was passing through the Main Office yesterday when I heard Mrs. Hanley tell a student that we have no more Chromebook loaners to lend because a good number of them are loaned out while we repair other devices. If your child has at times forgotten their Chromebook at home, or they forgot to charge it, it is possible we’ll have to disappoint them and they’ll have to proceed through their day without their device. This will impact their ability to view or complete activities that are happening in class. Any help you can provide in making sure your child has a routine at home to always bring a charged device to school is greatly appreciated.
I hope you all have a nice weekend, and to our Veterans: Thank you for your service to our country.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, November 10: No School: Veterans Day
Wednesday, November 22: Early Release for Thanksgiving (11:10 am)
Thurs/Friday, Nov 23 and 24: No School for Thanksgiving Holiday
Wed Nov 29: End of Trimester 1
Thurs, Nov 30 - Sunday Dec 3: Rock of Ages Musical at RJ Grey
Mon, Dec 4: Coat Drive Begins
Take care and have a great long weekend!
Good afternoon,
Our students, with your support, continue to rise to the challenges we present to them. As you know, we held a Food Drive yesterday for the Acton Food Pantry. I hope many of you have some remaining items left in your cupboards because from the looks of it, we collected most of the food available in Acton and Boxborough! We purposely had the donations come through our Advisory groups as one small way to orient our Advisories into thinking about “community” more often. We are very pleased with our donations, and I’m sure the food pantry will be, as well. Thank you for your support!

It’s hard to believe we’re already at the end of October! At the beginning of each month, our assistant principals take a look at absence and tardy totals for all of our students. If they see a trend towards absences or tardies that seems important, you will receive a somewhat formal letter alerting you to your child’s current attendance status. This letter is a requirement from DESE. I ask that anyone who receives this letter receives it as intended - it is solely a heads up! We are not sending a letter intending to assign blame or question parental decision related to illnesses, funerals, or other important items that interrupt typical school attendance. We will send letters even if we know your child was out for several days for legitimate reasons. If you receive a letter and have a curiosity about why, please be in touch with the assistant principal, or feel free to share background info if you feel it is relevant to how we best work with your student.
Throughout the last year or so, and in different settings, I’ve talked about attendance - at 6th grade family night back in April, at staff meetings, and through this column on previous occasions. There is somewhat of a “magic number” for us in schools. DESE and therefore schools, look at 10% as an important threshold. Students whose absences exceed ten percent in one year are deemed “chronically absent” by DESE. Ten percent of our school year is only 18 days! And 18 days is only about 2 days per month - so for some families, I think this could creep up without realizing a pattern. We are working on lowering our chronically absent rate - it’s part of our School Improvement Plan. And more than that, we want to make sure kids are in school because being here is how we can help them learn content, how to read and write more clearly, how to think critically, and how to create community with their teachers and peers. So, if at the beginning of November or any future month, you receive a letter alerting you to absences, please take it for what it is - a heads up! But be in touch if you have any questions or need some assistance with getting your child to school on a very regular basis.
We hosted four assemblies last week where representatives from Acton-Boxborough Regional High School spoke to 8th graders. Each 8th grade team was a great audience and showed a great amount of respect for their presenters. Ms. Dean and her team talked to students about types of classes they can take at ABRHS, along with community service opportunities, athletics and activities, and counseling supports available to students. Normally, we arrange for students to meet with the high school later in the spring. This year, we wanted to make sure students had a chance to learn about the high school around the same time they might be considering private or technical school options.
I want to thank our Student Council for organizing to have AB Revolution T-shirts for all of our 7th graders. The back of the shirt displays “Class of 29!” Last year, our current 8th graders (Class of 28) received these same t-shirts. These are just a small nod to our efforts to promote community and school pride! I have been happy to see many of these t-shirts being worn this week.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, November 3: Quarter 1 (Grey Block classes) ends
Monday, November 6: Library closed after school, Staff Meeting
Tuesday, November 7: Election Day
Thursday, November 9: No School for Students: Professional Day
Friday, November 10: No School: Veterans Day
Wednesday, November 22: Early Release for Thanksgiving (11:10 am)
Thurs/Friday, Nov 23 and 24: No School for Thanksgiving Holiday
Take care and have a great weekend!
Good afternoon,
I was very happy to see many of our students and many of you at last Sunday’s Walk Against Hate. The weather was great for a quick walk from ABRHS to the new Gardner Field in West Acton. We continue the work against hate and bias here at RJ Grey. Starting next week, 28 of our students will be trained as peer leaders by the Anti-Defamation League as part of the A World of Difference Program. After their training, they’ll work together with their advisors to create lessons that they’ll deliver to their peers during the second half of the year. I remain hopeful for our communities because I see how passionate and committed our students and educators are.
Despite our good work and positive intent, we do encounter situations where students make mistakes - on a daily basis! They are middle schoolers and their brains are not yet fully developed, so we understand that mistakes happen. At a moment in the future, you may get a call from a teacher, a counselor, or an administrator to let you know that something happened and that there may be a consequence for your child’s actions. If this happens, it is not the end of the world! We look to partner with you and make sure you understand our goal, which is to make sure the student can reflect and consider how their actions have impacted others and how they can commit to not repeating those same actions.
Over the past year, our admin team has taken a different approach towards typical “consequences.” Last year, our newer admin team debated the value and importance of consequences like lunch detention. Lunch detention is something we’d gotten used to using with students who did something that merited some level of consequence. Lunch detention serves a purpose - removing the fun privilege of being with friends during lunch on a temporary basis. But we didn’t embed a ton of learning into lunch detentions due to their short time frame. At other times in the past, suspensions were also used with students as a consequence.
With an eye towards using more restorative practices and really focusing on what a student could learn from an experience, we shifted our focus to using more time spent after school. “Detention” is a bad name for what we do. My only time serving a detention was in high school when I forgot my student ID badge at home one morning. Detention at Lowell High in the late ‘90s was an after school consequence where I sat in a room with about 15 other students - I’m not sure if their offenses were more serious than forgetting their student ID! We couldn’t talk, couldn’t read, we just had to sit there. We don’t use that version of detention here at RJ Grey. Instead, the student meets with the assistant principal after school, and through either chatting or in writing, the student reflects on what happened for them to end up after school. In that conversation, the AP will likely give some direction and ask some probing questions for the student to consider about how their actions impacted others, and how they could work to make the situation better. At times, the AP might ask the student to create a poster, or a Google Slide presentation on what they’ve learned. Or, they might write a letter of apology to someone, or they may need to talk to a trusted adult about whatever occurred and what they learned from it. Our ultimate goal when a student makes a mistake is for them to learn something, consider how it impacted others or the community, and remember their process of reflections in order to prevent something similar from happening again. That level of conversation and processing doesn’t often fit during the day, so we have students stay after school to do so. We don’t have a ton of students serving after school time, but knowing that middle schoolers make mistakes quite often, I wanted to share this process and our philosophy.
We have a ONE DAY food drive coming up next Wednesday. You likely saw my message earlier this week through email. We are collecting items in Advisory on Wednesday to benefit the Acton Food Pantry. Thank you for supporting your child as they may raid your own cabinets before next Wednesday.
As we approach the end of the month, I wanted to remind you all again that we are not dressing in costume this year for Halloween. This is a shift from past practice at RJ Grey, but is in line with what the elementary schools in our District are doing. So if you hear any excited talk about your child’s costume, please make sure they are referring to wearing it to family or community events, where I hope they have some fun!
Finally, if you have not already done so, please remember to activate your ParentSquare Account! ParentSquare account emails were sent Monday 9/18 to the email address we have on file for you in PowerSchool. Creating your ParentSquare account will allow you to personalize how you get communications from us and use the ParentSquare App. If you did not receive an email to activate your account or need help, please contact [email protected].
Upcoming Dates
Monday, October 23: Early Release at 1 pm
Monday, October 23: Round 1 of PE/Health classes end
Friday, November 3: Quarter 1 (Grey Block classes) ends
Monday, November 6: Library closed after school, Staff Meeting
Tuesday, November 7: Election Day
Thursday, November 9: No School for Students: Professional Day
Friday, November 10: No School: Veterans Day
Take care and have a great weekend!
- February 13, 2025
- February 6, 2025
- January 30, 2025
- January 23, 2025
- January 16, 2025
- January 9, 2025
- January 2, 2025
- December 19, 2024
- December 12, 2024
- December 6, 2024