Good evening,
We returned to an outdoor lunch option today for the first time in quite a while. With a recent stretch of rain, preceded by some chilly temps, we jumped at the chance to get outside today for some fresh air. It’s not going to last much longer, so we’re glad we had the chance today.
You may have noticed some new gear coming home with your children! One of our goals last year was to start folding some RJ Grey gear into the mix. Pride in your school is an important part of middle school life, I think! In my first year as the principal, that didn’t emerge as one of the things we ended up accomplishing. But when our District came up with a new logo for our mascot, Revolution, it seemed like a great way to recognize that change and give our students something they might look forward to wearing. The idea of putting Class of 27 or Class of 28 on the back came from our Student Council. We are very happy to be able to provide these shirts free of charge to all of our students this year. Our Student Council and our PTSO generously contributed to the purchase of these t-shirts. We’ve already seen a bunch of students wearing them this week! Big thanks to Ms. Ahl, our Student Council Advisor for her work on this.
A sign that we’re getting close to the end of October is that our fall sports teams are wrapping up their seasons. I was fortunate to catch both races in our Cross Country meet on Tuesday afternoon. It was a foggy, wet afternoon but all of our runners did a great job of powering through their laps of the lower fields. I was really proud of their work and determination. Thanks to all of our coaches who committed a ton of hard work to make our fall season a success.
Our winter season gets going after Thanksiving - we’ll have announcements starting in November about tryout dates. We offer basketball for both boys and girls. We have always offered a Cheer team, too. At the moment, we do not have anyone available to coach Cheerleading. If you know someone who might be interested and has experience with Cheerleading, please be in touch with Mr. Duclos, our JH Athletic Director. If you child didn’t play a fall sport, please be aware that anyone trying out for a sport must have a recent physical exam on file with our health office. There are often several families scrambling on the day of tryouts to line up a physical. If your child plans to try out, please make an appointment soon to avoid any disappointment later.
Here are some upcoming dates that will be helpful for you to know:
Monday, 10/31: Halloween Dress Up Day
Monday, 11/7: School Picture Re-takes
Monday, 11/7: School Council Meeting on Zoom
Tuesay, 11/8: State Election Voting in the RJ Grey Gym
Thursay, 11/10: No School for Students - Professional Learning Day
Friday, 11/11: No School - Veterans Day
Monday, 11/14: Early Release at 1 pm
Take care and have a great weekend,