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Good afternoon, RJ Grey Families:

I hope you are doing well and adjusting to the routines that come with a new school year. We continue to enjoy working with your kids every day. They bring great energy and a general level of respect for their peers, teachers, and school. We are off to a good start!

I am sure most of you are aware of another tragic incident of school violence yesterday in Georgia. I read briefly about the incident on my phone while at school yesterday and felt an immediate sense of sorrow. Last night, while flipping through channels when my kids were in bed, I stopped briefly on a news network where the reporter was interviewing students at the school. I could only watch for about a minute before I turned the channel. My whole life is connected to schools. I have been in schools for 180 days or more every year for about the last 38 years. My wife works as a teacher and my three kids attend school every day, just like yours. Continuing to see occasions of terrible violence in schools is shocking and shakes me every time. I chose to watch a rerun of the 80's classic The Golden Girls for a few minutes to change my mood. It worked.

On Friday and again on Tuesday, I led grade-level student assemblies on all things "safety" at RJ Grey. I talked with students about fire drills, showed them maps of our school, and talked through the ALICE protocol for how we would respond if we were ever faced with a school intruder intending to do harm in our building. Students then had a chance to return to homeroom to talk in smaller groups about the specifics of locking down in a classroom, evacuation routes, and other important procedures. We will have several drills this year to help practice our safety routines. Our first fire drill will be tomorrow. We'll have 4 fire drills this year. We'll also have two ALICE drills this year - the first will take place next week.

In addition to locked doors, emergency plans, and technical responses, our overall approach to providing a safe school environment is that we are the safest when we know our students well and we have open lines of communication. When we spend time building relationships with kids through classes, Advisory, clubs, sports, and in other ways, we hope that students build trust to communicate with us when they know something is unsafe or dangerous. Having open communication between our students and their teachers and between our students and you is paramount. If you are ever privy to information that is important for us to know, especially if it relates to school safety, I implore you to be in touch with me or a member of our admin team.

Cartwheel Webinar

We continue to work with Cartwheel Care to provide mental health support to students. Cartwheel will offer sessions for caregivers throughout the year. The first is coming up on Tuesday, September 10:

Topic: The Relationship Between ADHD and Learning Disorders

Date: September 10, 2024

Time: 7:00 PM ET

Location: Zoom

Registration: LINK

Fifty percent of youth with ADHD also have a coexisting disorder or diagnosis, such as anxiety, depression, or learning disorders, such as dyslexia. What are the impacts on students who have both ADHD and learning disorders? What can we as parents, caregivers, and school staff do to support kids who may have coexisting symptoms?

Parent Square

469 of you have signed up to receive our Daily Announcements email. If you haven't already done so, please sign up to receive our Daily Announcements email. Please click this link to join our group.

I am very aware that with the start of the school year, you are receiving lots of messages. I see them from my own kids' schools, too. If you haven't already done so, please take a look at your settings in Parent Square. You can refine how and when you receive messages from RJ Grey. You may want to turn off the text feature if you have the app notifications, as an example. Start here if you'd like to learn more about Parent Square and update your settings. If you have any questions, please let me know!

SBIRT - 7th grade families only

In March of 2016, the state legislature enacted H4056, commonly called the “STEP Act.” This legislation is in direct response to the opioid crisis and is an effort to provide tighter controls on addictive drugs and additional education about substance abuse. As part of the educational component, this legislation requires all public school districts to utilize a screening tool approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), and to conduct the screening annually to all students in two different grade levels. At Acton-Boxborough, students in 7th and 9th grade will participate in the screening.

Our 7th grade Health program currently includes a brief unit that introduces topics related to substance use and abuse, and discusses issues related to the use and consumption of nicotine, alcohol and marijuana. Our plan is to include the screening tool during the final lesson of the unit, and involve our counselors and nurses in the delivery of the lesson and completion of the screening tool. Students will be asked to complete a written version of the screening tool which includes a series of questions about exposure and use of specific substances. For your review, I am including a copy of the screening questions with this letter. The screening form will be reviewed by the counselor and nurse, and students may be invited for a follow-up conversation if they indicate an interest in meeting or if their responses meet a set of criteria that the District has established. Please know that parents/guardians of any student who participates in a follow-up meeting for any reason will be contacted by the nurse or counselor. As for when this might take place for your child, students are scheduled to be enrolled in Health class (as part of the Physical Education program) at different points in the year. Some are currently in Health, others may not attend until later in the Spring.

Families will have the right to opt their child out of participating in the screening portion of the SBIRT lesson. If you wish to opt your child out of the screening portion, please email Assistant Principal Elizabeth Broadwater ([email protected]) and submit that request. Regardless of when your child is scheduled for Health class, opt-out requests need to be submitted by September 26, 2024.

Take care,


Posted by jmarcotte  On Sep 05, 2024 at 2:31 PM
Good afternoon, RJ Grey families! I hope you all had a safe and relaxing summer! As you know, we welcomed our 7th graders on Wednesday and our 8th graders today. Our students did a great job with our routines and seemed happy to be back. Each grade spent some time in an assembly with us where we were able to revisit our desire to create a joyful, inclusive community of engaged learners. One characteristic of a positive community, for me anyway, is how we welcome those who are brand new. We have close to 30 students who did not attend school in Acton or Boxborough last year. I encouraged all of our students to reach out and connect with someone who is new to make them feel included. I am always impressed by the maturity and willingness that our students show to welcome newcomers. When your child shares a bit about their day, ask them if they met anyone new!

This year, I have decided to share my weekly Eye on the Junior High column with all parent/guardian email addresses. In prior years, families received this message by opting in. I don't want to put more in your inbox than is necessary, but I often write about upcoming events or school-wide topics that are important for everyone to know  - not just for those who subscribe. I tend to get these messages out on Thursdays and occasionally on Friday during a busy week!
School Council Nominations
Every year, I recruit interested parents or guardians who would like to serve on the RJ Grey School Council. The School Council meets with me seven times during the year to talk about school-related items, the School Improvement Plan, and ideas to make our school an even better place to be. I am seeking two parent/guardian reps from the 7th grade. Anyone interested should send me an email with a brief bio and why you're interested. If I hear from more than two parents, we'll hold a virtual election later in September. Thank you for stating your interest by September 13th. You should feel free to view past meeting notes on our School Council website. 

Safety Assemblies
Starting tomorrow for 8th grade, and on Tuesday for 7th grade, we will hold our annual safety assemblies. I will speak to students about the important elements of maintaining a safe building. We will review procedures for fire drills and other emergencies, including our ALICE protocol. ALICE is the protocol we would follow if an intruder were to enter our building. I tell students that what we talk about is very unlikely to ever happen at RJ Grey, but we are all better off when we are prepared. We will have two ALICE drills this fall - one in September and one in October. I will be in touch when those drills are upcoming.
414 of you have signed up to receive our Daily Announcements email. If you haven't already done so, please sign up to receive our Daily Announcements email. Please click this link to join our group.

I am very aware that with the start of the school year, you are receiving lots of messages. I see them from my own kids' schools, too. If you haven't already done so, please take a look at your settings in Parent Square. You can refine how and when you receive messages from RJ Grey. You may want to turn off the text feature if you have the app notifications, as an example. Start here if you'd like to learn more about Parent Square and update your settings. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Fall Athletics
  • All students interested in playing Fall Sports here at RJG need to sign up on Family ID AND have an updated Physical on file with the School Nurse ([email protected]by 2:36pm on Friday, August 30th.  Students who aren't signed up on Family ID and or who don't have an updated Physical on file will not be allowed to try out for a fall sport. 
  • Tryouts for all sports except Cross Country start on Tuesday, Sept 3rd.  Cross Country will start on Tuesday, Sept 10th. Please visit the Fall Sports Website for additional information about locations, times, coaches, and criteria.
And while tennis is not a sport at RJ Grey, AB Community Ed has a fall tennis offering for RJ Grey students. The Marcus Lewis Tennis Program is offering a program for RJ Grey students this fall. Click here to learn more and register for this Comm Ed program.

I hope your students report that they had a good first (or second) day! 

Take care,

Posted by jmarcotte  On Aug 29, 2024 at 4:16 PM

Good evening,

I hope you are all doing well. Earlier today, our staff sought some support from the Acton Police Department to help with a student situation; this is something we do fairly regularly throughout the year. I’ve heard a few stories late this afternoon that some number of students interpreted the police presence as something significant affecting the whole building. While respecting the privacy of any student involved, I assure you that today’s student situation was isolated and does not impact the safety of our school. Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

We’ve been really busy at RJ Grey over the past few weeks, so much so that I missed writing to you last Thursday. I know you’ll forgive me! Many of our 7th grade families came to the Civics Fair held yesterday at RJ Grey. Our 7th graders have spent time this spring researching an issue that they deemed important as part of our study of Civics. Many interviewed community members, did research, and came up with interesting questions and some solutions for things like traffic safety, teen mental health, climate change, and other important topics. I was impressed by every student I chatted with about their work. We are all proud of the work of our students and teachers who made this whole event come together. As I write this message tonight in my office, our Empty Bowls event is happening in the cafeteria. I hope some of you got some ice cream, heard our Select Choir sing, and maybe even created some art! The spring is a busy place at RJ Grey, but events like both of these serve as the culmination of a year of hard work by our students and staff and we are glad to celebrate!

Speaking of celebrating, earlier tonight, I spoke at the School Committee about the educators who are retiring from RJ Grey this year. On the last day of school, we will have a school-wide assembly and I will speak about our retirees to our current students. I am always so proud of our students when they give an overwhelming response in recognition of their retiring teachers. We have four retirees this year. If you know them, I’m sure they would welcome a warm email from you!

Ms. Joanne Chadwick is retiring from being one of our Nurses and the Nurse Leader for the District. Joanne helped all of us navigate the return from Covid. She has helped lead the Health Office at RJ Grey for many years by greeting your students, listening to what ails them, and making good plans for their care. I am going to miss Joanne’s humor and positivity at RJ Grey!

Dr. Rick Cowen is retiring from his role as School Psychologist where he has worked for twenty years. Dr. Cowen has worked with hundreds of students and families over the years and has supported all of them along the way. His work with teachers and administrators has always been collaborative and focused on student wellbeing. We wish the best for Dr. Cowen as he retires from our school!

Ms. Jennifer Vacca is retiring from 8 Blue as an English teacher. She began teaching at RJ Grey in 1993 and has taught thousands of students over the years. As a department leader and veteran teacher, she has worked to prepare curriculum for all 8th graders and has helped students foster a love of reading literature. She and colleagues created the annual Trivia contest each March where students compete in small teams! Her work at RJ Grey will be remembered for a long time and we wish her the best in her retirement!

Mrs. Carol Watson has taught both French and Spanish at RJ Grey since 2010. Carol is known for getting her students up and moving in class, and maybe singing and dancing, too. Carol has helped many students develop proficiency in speaking a world language and has inspired many to go on to study French or Spanish in college. Carol has led our Spanish Club at times over the years and has been a coach for the Alpine Ski team at AB. We have huge shoes to fill when Mrs. Watson retires this year, and we wish her the best of luck!

This will be my final Eye on the Junior High message of the year. I hope you have enjoyed these brief snapshots into the daily life of our school. If you are sticking with us for another year, I’ll connect with you again in the fall. If your child is moving on to high school, I wish you and your child the best! I have the pretty amazing privilege of being the principal of a pretty amazing school. Thank you for your support over this year - I deeply appreciate it!

Upcoming Dates

  • Fri, June 7: ABRHS Graduation on Leary Field

  • Thurs, June 13: 8th grade field trip to Canobie Lake Park

  • Fri, June 14: 7th grade field trip to Mel’s Funway Park

  • Mon, June 17: No School due to Eid al-Adha

  • Tues, June 18: Last day of school, RJ Grey Dismissal at 11:10 am

Take care and have a great summer!

Posted by jmarcotte  On Jun 06, 2024 at 7:37 PM

Good afternoon,

We had a great time last Friday night at the 7th grade end-of-year celebration. Our students were well-behaved, enjoyed plentiful food and drink, and loved the music and dancing. We have our 8th grade celebration next Friday (May 31) from 7 - 9 pm in the cafeteria. If you are able to contribute in some way, the PTSO has set up a convenient SignUp Genius to share what we need for the event to be successful!

If your oldest child is at RJ Grey right now, or if you haven’t yet had a Senior go through ABRHS, you may not know much about AB Project Graduation. Project Graduation is a massive undertaking whose website shares their goal: For over 34 years, we've hosted a substance-free Project Graduation Grad Night for ABRHS seniors, thanks to dedicated volunteers and generous donors. Join us in our mission to provide a safe celebration, free from alcohol and drugs, exclusively for the graduating seniors of Acton-Boxborough Regional High School. Project Graduation is successful because a ton of parents and guardians of younger children volunteer their creative talents and spend time staffing the event on the night of graduation. Senior parents are not involved in Project Graduation, so that forces parents of underclassmen to come together as volunteers in many areas. Please see the Project Graduation site to see how you can participate and pay it forward for when your own children will have the chance to celebrate safely when they graduate from AB!

Our annual Empty Bowls event is coming up on Thursday, June 6 from 5:30 - 7:00 in our cafeteria and courtyard area. With your donation, you’ll be able to fill your bowl with ice cream and toppings, see some beautiful student-made artwork, and listen to our Select Choir. Please consider joining us for this fun tradition that serves as a showcase for student art and a donation to the Acton Food Pantry.

I wish all of you a happy Memorial Day weekend! My weekend will include a graduation party and some yard work. As we remember those who sacrificed their lives for our country, I hope you enjoy some time with friends and family. 

Upcoming Dates

  • Mon, May 27: No School for Memorial Day

  • Fri, May 31: 8th Grade Celebration, 7 - 9 pm

  • Mon, June 3: Library closed to students after school

  • Wed, June 5: Civics Fair

  • Thurs, June 6: Empty Bowls Event, 5:30 - 7:00

  • Fri, June 7: ABRHS Graduation on Leary Field

  • Thurs, June 13: 8th grade field trip to Canobie Lake Park

  • Fri, June 14: 7th grade field trip to Mel’s Funway Park

  • Mon, June 17: No School due to Eid al-Adha

  • Tues, June 18: Last day of school, RJ Grey Dismissal at 11:10 am

Take care and have a great weekend!

Posted by jmarcotte  On May 23, 2024 at 3:37 PM

Good afternoon,

We were grateful when several months ago, leaders in the town of Boxborough reached out to find out how they could be helpful in the work that we do with Civics as part of our 7th grade social studies curriculum. We had several representatives visit and talk with our 7th graders this week. Boxborough Town Planner Alec Wade, Town Clerk Becky Harris, and Recreation Board Member Megan Connor spoke to 7th grade students about civic engagement as a kickoff to our annual civics project. They shared their backgrounds in local government and provided a look into how the government works on a day-to-day basis. The presentation also highlighted many ways that kids can get involved in their local community. Students will now be tasked with identifying local and regional issues facing the community which will culminate in a Civics Fair on June 5th. Be on the lookout for more information about the civics fair from your 7th grader’s social studies teacher. 

We have a Celebration/Dance tomorrow night for RJ Grey 7th graders. We’ve sold lots of tickets, and we’re happy to host this exciting opportunity for our students. A reminder to all adults - the event ends promptly at 9:00 - believe me that we are not shy in turning on the gym lights at 9:00! Your on-time arrival will save your child a bit of embarrassment by hanging with me until a ride arrives! I recommend that you all park in one of our parking lots as you wait for your child. If your child has a phone, text them your location, or you could choose to walk up to the gym catch the eye of your student. It is safer for all of us to not have cars idle outside the gym or in the front circle.

In two weeks, on Friday, May 31, we’ll host our 8th grade end-of-year celebration. The PTSO helps us out in a major way with this event, including with volunteers to set up the space, clean up at the end, and to provide our students with plenty of food and drink. Please see the SignUp Genius link here to let us know how you can be helpful. We will have plenty of staff chaperones for this event, so we don’t need parents to be present during the event. But we do need your support in other ways. Thank you in advance for your help!

Our Creative Writing Club had a really engaged group of writers this year - so much that they created their own Literary Magazine, Writer’s Haven. I invite you to check out their beautiful project. Special thanks to Mrs. Bryan, 7 Gold English teacher, for working with these students all year!

Finally, I am doing a little reconnaissance to see if you, or anyone you know, is interested in working at a welcoming, joyful, awesome place (RJ Grey). We have two openings: a part-time (.6) Spanish teacher, and a .6 Multilingual teacher. You win the real bonus prize if you know someone who is licensed in both areas, to round out a full-time position. If you know someone who is licensed and interested in either of these content areas, please put them directly in contact with me!

Upcoming Dates

  • Fri, May 17: 7th grade dance, 7 - 9 pm

  • Mon, May 20: Early Release at 1 pm

  • Wed, May 22: Spring Chorus and Orchestra Concert

  • Mon, May 27: No School for Memorial Day

  • Fri, May 31: 8th Grade Celebration, 7 - 9 pm

  • Mon, June 3: Library closed to students after school

  • Wed, June 5: Civics Fair

  • Thurs, June 6: Empty Bowls Event, 5:30 - 7:00

  • Fri, June 7: ABRHS Graduation on Leary Field

Take care and have a great weekend!

Posted by jmarcotte  On May 16, 2024 at 1:06 PM

Good afternoon,

We conducted our second student survey of the year last Friday. In Advisory, students spent between 10 and 12 minutes answering a series of questions about their school experience. We are pleased that our students report a consistently positive experience since the first version of the survey was given in December. 89% of students report having a trusted adult at RJ Grey. Even higher percentages of students report having a trusted adult at home (93%) and having a peer/friend (95%) to trust at school. We know that when students have a trusted adult in their homes and at school, they will feel more confident and are better able to learn. We are very pleased to see the data from this survey, as it affirms the work that we’ve been focusing on for several years.

As the school year comes to an end, we have some exciting events for students in the next few weeks. On May 17, we will host an evening dance for our 7th graders. From 7 - 9, students will gather in the gym and enjoy time dancing, singing, and hanging out with friends. Similarly, on May 31, our 8th graders will have the chance to end their year in a fun way with their own dance. The 8th grade end-of-year dance is held in the cafeteria and is a special night as they wrap up their time at RJ Grey. I encourage you to ask your child if they’re planning to attend. Tickets for the 7th grade dance are on sale now through next Thursday. Tickets for the 8th grade event will go on sale in a few weeks.

Additionally, each grade will have a year-end field trip. On Thursday, June 13, our 8th graders will travel to Canobie Lake Park. On Friday, June 14, our 7th graders will enjoy Mel’s Funway Park for their year-end celebration. Permission slips for both trips have been distributed to students. We request that permission slips and payment be returned before Friday, May 31 so that we can account for all students, tickets, and buses. If your family needs financial assistance for these trips, please be in touch with me; we are happy to help to ensure that all students can enjoy these fun trips.

Upcoming Dates

  • Fri, May 10: MCAS Civics Field Test for 8 Gold students

  • Mon, May 13: MCAS Civics Field Test for 8 Blue students

  • Mon, May 13: Boxborough Town Meeting

  • Wed, May 15: Spring Band Concert

  • Thurs, May 16: MCAS Civics Field Test for 8 Blue students

  • Fri, May 17: 7th grade dance, 7 - 9 pm

  • Mon, May 20: Early Release at 1 pm

  • Wed, May 22: Spring Chorus and Orchestra Concert

  • Mon, May 27: No School for Memorial Day

Take care and have a great weekend!

Posted by jmarcotte  On May 09, 2024 at 2:20 PM

Good afternoon,

Today is Day 149 of the school year at RJ Grey. With just 31 days to go, there is a lot going on. Interim Reports, marking the mid-point of the final term, were emailed home today. Teachers submit interim reports if there is cause for concern, including low grades on assessments, changes in homework completion, or other reasons. If you have a question about an interim report that your child cannot answer, please be in touch with the classroom teacher. These last few weeks will include additional learning, projects, assessments, and some fun stuff, too. If your child needs a little boost to be ready to tackle the remaining academic work of the year, this is a good time to give that pep talk! Let us know if we can help you with that.

Next week is the nationally recognized Teacher Appreciation Week. I will certainly express my thanks to our teachers next week, and always. I am someone who knew since 6th grade that I wanted to be a teacher. That’s when I had the first male teacher of my career - Mr. Kludjian at the Wang Middle School in Lowell.  I’m sure you all have a handful of teachers from your own career that stand out as memorable. I continue to be in awe of teachers who show up every day, care for 100+ students, and teach them lessons, planned and unplanned, big and small. I truly appreciate our teachers at RJ Grey and I hope you do, too. If you have a minute to share a word of thanks to your child’s teachers this spring, I know they will appreciate it. 

Each spring, we at RJ Grey live in a world of transition. We are welcoming 6th graders, we are saying goodbye to 8th graders, and we make plans for our 7th graders. If you have plans that include sending your child to a school outside of AB next year, please let us know by completing page 1 of this withdrawal form and returning it to our Counseling Office ([email protected]). This includes if your child plans to attend Minuteman High School or a private school. Knowing who we can expect to return to RJ Grey or ABRHS next year makes our planning go more smoothly. Please let me or Kerry Lewis know if you have any questions or need to talk about your plans.

Finally, there is an upcoming webinar that may be of interest to some of you: 

Finding the Words: Talking to Youth about Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Sometimes it can be hard to find the words to talk to kids and teens about certain topics. As parents and caring adults, we may feel nervous about saying the wrong thing or making matters worse. However, research shows that when it comes to topics like suicidality - talking is helpful, not harmful. Join Cartwheel and guest speaker Chris Smith, LCSW to learn practical tips and scripts for how to speak with kids and teens about mental health topics, including suicide prevention. We'll discuss how to break down communication barriers and let your child know that you're available to support them.

Tuesday, May 7 at 7:30 pm on Zoom: Click here to register

Upcoming Dates

  • Mon, May 6: MCAS Math 7

  • Mon, May 6: MCAS Civics Field Test for 8 Gold students

  • Mon, May 6: Library closed after school

  • Mon, May 6: Acton Town Meeting

  • Tues, May 7: MCAS Science/Tech 8

  • Wed, May 8: School Council, 7 pm

  • Fri, May 10: MCAS Civics Field Test for 8 Gold students

  • Mon, May 13: MCAS Civics Field Test for 8 Blue students

  • Mon, May 13: Boxborough Town Meeting

  • Wed, May 15: Spring Band Concert

  • Thurs, May 16: MCAS Civics Field Test for 8 Blue students

  • Fri, May 17: 7th grade dance, 7 - 9 pm

Take care and have a great weekend!

Posted by jmarcotte  On May 02, 2024 at 1:42 PM

Good afternoon,

I hope you are enjoying the look of spring, even if the temperatures haven’t made it fully comfortable to be outside yet without some winter gear. I will be excited to feel some warmer temperatures in the coming days. Back in the fall, we partnered with the United Way to plant tulip bulbs in our cafeteria courtyard. The tulips are ready to pop and serve as a nice accompaniment to our outdoor seating in the cafeteria. This time of year is one of my favorites - I hope you get to enjoy the weekend.

On Wednesday night, we hosted 6th grade families for an info session about life at RJ Grey. The event was well att

ended and we got to chat with lots of families about curriculum, clubs, athletics, and other fun topics. Yesterday, our 7th grade students had the opportunity to listen to Janet Singer Applefield describe her experience of living through the Holocaust. Our students were an excellent audience; several of them gave an impressive introduction and asked great questions to our speaker.

We are gearing up for our continued MCAS testing. We’ll tackle Math, Science, and Civics tests for our students according to the schedule below. We ask you to remind students to plug in their Chromebooks the night before testing so that they have a full battery to last through the lengthy tests. Otherwise, we ask you to promote the right attitude about the test - it is one measurement tool for us to know how we’ve taught our students over the year. It is not something to lose sleep over, yet it does give us good feedback that we learn from. Thank you for your help with this.

Finally, if you’re thinking about the summer, like many of us are, I want to let you know about an opportunity to apply for a scholarship for summer programs. The Doli Atamian Campership Program provides scholarships to summer camp programs for children in Acton and Boxborough based on family income. The application process is simple, and each child may receive up to $300 towards a summer camp program or classes of the family’s choice. For more information about the Campership scholarship and an application form, go to or call (978) 515-3227.

Upcoming Dates

  • Tues, April 30: Annual Town Election in RJ Grey Gym

  • Tues, April 30: MCAS Math 8

  • Wed, May 1: MCAS Math 8

  • Thurs, May 2: MCAS Math 7

  • Mon, May 6: MCAS Math 7

  • Mon, May 6: Civics Field Test for 8 Gold students

  • Mon, May 6: Library closed after school

  • Tues, May 7: MCAS Science/Tech 8

  • Wed, May 8: School Council, 7 pm

  • Fri, May 10: Civics Field Test for 8 Gold students

  • Mon, May 13: Civics Field Test for 8 Blue students

  • Wed, May 15: Spring Band Concert

  • Thurs, May 16: Civics Field Test for 8 Blue students

Take care and have a great weekend!

Posted by jmarcotte  On Apr 26, 2024 at 11:13 AM

Good afternoon,

For most of Monday, I was the person at school who was not super enthused by the eclipse later that afternoon. At dismissal, with only a bit of the sun covered by the moon, a student leaving the building said it looked like a cookie with a bite taken out of it. Talking about something in the shape of a cookie is something I can usually get behind! Monday was a department meeting day for many of us, so when we pulled away from those meetings around 3:15, and I got to see the 150+ students in our front circle, I changed my tune. I’m sure like many of you, the effects of the eclipse took hold of me - the temperature change, the almost dusk-like feeling, and the joy from the onlookers made it feel like a special moment. I am grateful that our science department took the lead in teaching about the eclipse in classes and then hosting the viewing party for our students, complete with glasses. I think that for the students who participated, this event will be something they remember. We posted a few pictures of our watch party on Instagram if you’d like to take a look (@rjgreyjhs).

Our PTSO is hosting a fundraiser for RJ Grey in coordination with WECO. WECO will donate 10% of your dinner bill for orders placed between April 17th and April 24th. Your orders will be delivered between April 21st and April 27th. WECO offers a variety of delicious options, including dinners, appetizers, desserts, and kid-friendly meals. Plus, they'll deliver it hassle-free right to your door. To ensure your donation goes directly to RJ Grey, simply order at and use the promo code "RJGreyFundraiser" at checkout. Thank you for your support.

I hope you all have a nice April break next week. My family is staying close to home. A sure sign of spring for me is when I power wash the deck for the coming season. I am hoping to accomplish that task next week to be ready for spring! I wish you all a restful and safe week!

Upcoming Dates

  • Mon, April 15 - Fri, April 19: School Closed for April Vacation

  • Tues, April 23: Last day of PE and Health classes for Round 4

  • Wed, April 24 : 6th Grade Family Info Night at RJ Grey, 6:45 pm

  • Tues, April 30: Annual Town Election in RJ Grey Gym

  • Tues, April 30: MCAS Math 8

  • Wed, May 1: MCAS Math 8

  • Thurs, May 2: MCAS Math 7

  • Mon, May 6: MCAS Math 7

  • Tues, May 7: MCAS Science/Tech 8

  • Tues, May 7: School Council, 7 pm

Take care and have a great week!

Posted by jmarcotte  On Apr 11, 2024 at 12:24 PM

Good afternoon,

Our staff and students were greeted by signs of spring when we returned to school on Monday. Our PTSO worked with us this year to install four beautiful planters at two of our main entrances. Special thanks to Kristina Rychlik for doing this beautiful work. Creating a welcoming, attractive setting to learn and work helps contribute to positive feelings about being members of this community. I am very grateful for the PTSO’s support. If you haven’t yet contributed to the PTSO this year, I hope you will consider making your annual donation. The PTSO’s work not only sponsors our beautiful garden baskets but will also help us to run our year-end field trips this spring. If you happen to have a special interest in gardening and want to continue the work

that Kristina has started, please be in touch with me and I’ll connect you to the PTSO to talk about how to take over this work.

The cruel irony of the picture and paragraph above is that I write this message in my office, with no power, with the shades pulled way up, on borrowed time with our wifi. Spring will come soon enough! It seems that we just need to be a bit patient this year.

On Monday, I had the pleasure to observe several 7th grade social studies classes. Students from our A World of Difference club taught mini-lessons to all 7th graders. The AWOD student leaders designed lessons focused on bias, identity, and creating supportive communities. The students designed these lessons over the winter, with help from their Advisors, after being trained as peer leaders by the Anti-Defamation League. I was proud to see the work that our students put together for their peers, and I was happy to see the response from their “students” was positive and engaging. On April 25, we welcome back Mrs. Janet Applefield, who has visited RJ Grey many times before. She will talk with 7th graders about her experience living through the Holocaust. Both of these activities are in service of our work to create a safe and supportive community for all students and staff.

Upcoming Dates

  • Thurs, April 4: Spring Play Performance, 7 pm

  • Mon April 8: MCAS ELA Make-ups begin

  • Mon, April 8: Solar Eclipse Viewing Party, 2:45 - 3:30

  • Wed, April 10: No School for Eid-al-Fitr

  • Mon, April 15:  Fri, April 19: School Closed for April Vacation

  • Tues, April 23: Last day of PE and Health classes for Round 4

  • Wed, April 24 : Welcome night for 6th grade families, 6:45 pm

  • Tues, April 30: Annual Town Election in RJ Grey Gym

Take care and have a great weekend!

Posted by jmarcotte  On Apr 04, 2024 at 4:38 PM
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