Good afternoon,
I hope you and your family had a nice February vacation. The early part of last week was warm enough that my family and I spent some time walking on the beach at Plum Island. And then of course we had snow this week to snap us back into the reality that it’s still winter! However you spent your week, I hope it was enjoyable.
Our Ski and Board Club wrapped up this week after quite a long season. With an early January cancellation due to no snow and rainy conditions, and a week where Wachusett had no power, we owe a great deal of thanks to our chaperones for pushing through six weeks of fun. Ernie Camposano served as our lead advisor and was joined by RJ Grey staffers: Anastasia Koulopoulos, Karen Dudziak, Allison Paul, Nancy Perry, and Ingrid Joyce. They were joined by some parent chaperones, too: Josh and Rebecca Bregman, Mike Plate, and Barry Yaceshyn. This particular club is a huge undertaking but one that all of the participants enjoy. Thank you to everyone who helped pull it off.
We are approaching the end of Trimester 2 on Monday, March 13th. We’ll then issue report cards about 2 weeks later. If you know your child has any work to catch up on, please check in with them about the upcoming end of term.
With the spring coming quickly, we are also approaching the season where we administer MCAS tests. At RJ Grey, students in both grades take MCAS tests in English Language Arts and Math. And our 8th graders take a Science/Technology Engineering assessment, too. Below are the dates when we’ll be doing testing this spring. I thank you in advance for helping to make sure your child is present on these days. We will always do make-ups for students who miss tests, but they then end up missing other classes as a result. So if you’re forced to make orthodontic appointments or physicals during the school day this spring, I’d ask you kindly to avoid these dates:
Thurs 3/30 and Fri 3/31: 8th grade ELA
Tues 4/4 and Wed 4/5: 7th grade ELA
Thurs 4/27 and Fri 4/28: 8th grade Math
Tues 5/2: 8th grade Science and Technology/Engineering
Thurs 5/4 and Fri 5/5: 7th grade Math
Next Friday, we’ll host an after school March Madness basketball tournament for interested students. We have a request for some assistance with snacks for the event. Please check out this info from our PTSO volunteers, who help coordinate events like this: The RJ Grey Student Council will be hosting a basketball tournament at the school on Friday, March 10th from 3:00 - 4:30pm. The PTSO is looking for donations of snacks and drinks and a few parent volunteers to set up and work the snack tables. If you are able to donate snacks, drinks, or a little of your time, please sign up via the SignUpGenius link. If you have any questions, please contact Durga at [email protected] Sign up here:
Finally, our Superintendent’s Office has approved this flyer to share: AB Girls Lacrosse Clinic
Here are some dates to be aware of:
Monday, 3/6: Library closed after school for staff meeting
Monday, 3/6: RJ Grey School Council Meeting on Zoom, 7 pm
Wednesday, 3/8: District-wide Pan Choral Concert
Friday, 3/10: Student Council March Madness Basketball Tournament, 3 - 4:30pm
Monday, 3/13: End of Trimester 2
Monday, 3/13: Early Release at 1 pm
Tuesday, 3/14: Orchestra Concert
Take care and have a great weekend,