March 9, 2023 

Good afternoon,

I had a meeting in another building this afternoon and considered walking to it without wearing my jacket. The bright sunshine was giving me the false sense of what the actual temperature was outside. We’re making progress towards spring, but I am glad I wore my jacket...we’re not quite there yet! As spring inches closer, we approach the beginning of our spring athletic season. We have baseball, softball, volleyball, and track teams. Our tryouts begin on March 21 and are staggered, so please check out the schedule here. The most thing to remember is to sign-up on Family ID and make sure we have your child's current physical exam on file prior to tryouts. We don’t allow students to try out or participate without a current physical exam, so if you need to, please work on that soon to avoid any disappointment. 

Last week, representatives from ABRHS came to speak to our 8th graders about life at the high school. Since then, our 8th grade counselors have (or will) visit 8th grade classes to talk in more detail about the high school schedule, course sign-ups and other pieces of info about ABRHS. The portal for 8th grade families will open on March 20, where families and students will select high school courses for next year.

As spectators of the assembly described above, our RJ Grey staff was disappointed in the behavior of some of our 8th graders during the assembly. Yesterday, during Advisory, we brought the grade together again to talk about how we expect students to behave in situations like an assembly. I noted to our students that I was especially disappointed that some of them behaved poorly in front of our guests. I shared that in my own family (hi, mom - a frequent reader of this column), my sisters and I were always expected to behave better when around guests than when we were just with our parents. I have the same expectation for my own daughters. In our Assembly, Part II, our students demonstrated excellent behavior and showed us exactly how we know they can behave. We took advantage of the time together and we reviewed expectations related to timeliness to class, use of cell phones, appropriate use of language, and other items that have become noticeably more lax in these winter months. The third trimester of 8th grade (which starts next week) is often a time of celebration and excitement. We were happy to be able to review our expectations that will allow for all of our students to be able to enjoy their last trimester before heading off to ninth grade. 

Tomorrow is Sports Jersey Day at RJ Grey. For some of our kids, every day is sports jersey day! Whether they dress the part or not, we’re excited for a festive day, leading into our after school basketball tournament.

Here are some dates to be aware of:

  • Friday, 3/10: Sports Jersey Day

  • Friday, 3/10: Student Council March Madness Basketball Tournament, 3 - 4:30pm

  • Monday, 3/13: End of Trimester 2

  • Monday, 3/13: Early Release at 1 pm

  • Tuesday, 3/14: Orchestra Concert

Take care and have a great weekend,

Posted by jmarcotte On 09 March, 2023 at 5:05 PM  

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