May 11, 2023 

Good evening,

Our theme for Advisory this month is Gratitude. On Wednesday, most of our advisory groups watched a brief video on the health and brain benefits that come when we focus on gratitude. Many of our students were thankful for friends, pets, and you, their families. Students wrote what they were thankful for and folded those into tiny hearts or stars. After a bit of trial and error, we got our fingers into origami-mode and made it happen.

Every Friday, the RJ Grey administrators share the responsibility of sending the weekly update for the next week to our staff. On a rotating basis, we also include a message about something going on in our own lives, or something that we’ve seen in school that week. Last week was my turn and I wrote about three of my own most memorable and important teachers over the years. I told the staff about my 3rd grade teacher, 6th grade teacher, and high school Spanish teacher. I recalled these teachers’ kindness, humor, passion, and other reasons why they are memorable to me. One of them quite literally influenced my decision to become a Spanish teacher.  I don’t always show or practice gratitude, but according to the video we watched this week, doing so could make me healthier and happier!

We are coming up to the end of Teacher Appreciation Week. If you have a minute this week, or next, and you can write a quick note of thanks to one of your child’s teachers, it would be most welcome. Our teachers and staff at RJ Grey work really hard to provide excellent learning experiences for your children. They prepare lessons that will stretch your child. They grade work with your child’s face in mind and know when they’ve mastered something they previously struggled with. They plan field trips to Boda Borg or the Peabody Essex Museum to expose your students to something different, fun, and important. Saying thank you and showing gratitude is most appreciated by our staff.

Here are several items that have been approved for sharing by our Superintendent’s Office:

Here are some dates to be aware of:

  • Mon, May 15: Early Release at 1 pm

  • Tues, May 16: iReady ELA Assessment

  • Fri, May 19: 7th grade Dance, 7 - 9 pm

  • Wed, May 24: Spring Band Concert, 7 pm

  • Thurs, May 25: iReady Math Assessment

  • Thurs, May 25: Spring Chorus Concert, 7 pm

  • Mon, May 29: No School, Memorial Day

Take care and have a great weekend,

Posted by jmarcotte On 11 May, 2023 at 7:13 PM  

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