Good afternoon,
We’ve had some great student events recently at RJ Grey. Last Friday, we hosted hundreds of students for our annual Summer Fun in Winter event. Students had pre-registered their 6-person volleyball teams to compete. Most were complete with themed uniforms, and all had plenty of spirit. While not everyone played in a game, many more students and staff came to watch and have a good time. Huge thanks to our Student Council Advisor, Ms. Ahl for pulling off this event. And another huge thanks to all of the families who donated food and drinks, along with those that staffed the small gym, which served as snack central!
Last night, we had an awesome Chorus and Orchestra concert. The 7th and 8th grade Choruses and Orchestras all performed 2 - 3 pieces each. With another packed house and enthusiastic crowd, the students were well supported by their families and friends. To check out a few clips of last night’s performances, check out our RJ Grey Instagram page (@rjgreyjhs) to see videos posted later today.
Trimester 2 Interim Reports were emailed yesterday. As a reminder, not every student receives an Interim. We reserve these reports for students whose averages fall below a C-, or for another reason that a teacher deems necessary. As both a principal and a parent, I don’t like surprises. We ask our teachers to err on the side of caution and send communication if homework, participation, or other areas need improvement. If you have any question about the Interim after speaking to your child, please be in touch with the classroom teacher. Trimester 2 ends on Friday, March 8, so there is plenty of time to make any adjustments for the remainder of this term.
There is a Cartwheel Care seminar coming up on February 6 for any interested caregiver. This month’s session is titled: Recognizing and Treating OCD and Tic Disorders in Children and Adolescents. See the information below if you’re interested in learning more:
Cartwheel Care Webinar: Recognizing and Treating OCD and Tic Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Time: 7:00-8:00 PM
Registration: LINK
Tics can be the tip of the iceberg of other co-occurring conditions (including OCD, anxiety, and ADHD) that may affect children’s ability to live to their full potential. Join Cartwheel and Erica Greenberg, MD to learn how OCD and tic disorders present in youth, how symptoms can be impairing (or not), how to seek professional help, and best practices for treatment.
Can't make it? Register and we will email you a recording of the session. This virtual event is part of Cartwheel's free webinar series for our community's parents, caregivers, and school staff. English, Spanish, and Portuguese flyers here.
Lastly, we have an early release this Monday (1/29/24). You’ll note that we haven’t had an early release Monday since the beginning of December. We took feedback from families last year that in the months with an already choppy schedule, it was difficult to manage additional early release days. As a result, the Junior High reduced the number of these early release days to ten. Our staff uses these days to work collaboratively on curriculum, family communication, and other topics to best plan for your children. The remaining early releases are listed here:
Monday, January 29
Monday, February 12
Monday, March 4
Monday, March 18
Monday, April 29
Monday, May 20
Upcoming Dates
Mon, Jan 29: Early Release at 1 pm
Tues, Jan 30: 7 Gold SOS Lesson
Tues, Jan 30: Ski Club Session #3
Thurs, Feb 1: 7 Blue SOS Lesson
Mon, Feb 5: Library closed to students after school
Tues, Feb 6: 7 Red SOS Lesson
Tues, Feb 6: Ski Club Session #4
Tues, Feb 6: School Council Meeting at 7 pm
Tues, Feb 6: Cartwheel Care Seminar
Wed, Feb 7: Transition to ABRHS Night for 8th grade families
Thurs, Feb 8: 7 Green SOS Lesson
Take care and have a great weekend!