Good afternoon,
We are one day away from our February vacation week. If you have plans to be out of town next week, I hope they bring you to a warm location. I was excited to see a stretch of warm (40 degrees) weather next week, with bright sun for several days. Though, as was the case with this week’s “storm,” we know the weather pattern can change quickly! On my to do list next week are a bunch of things that just don’t fit into the typical work week - making dentist appointments, getting my car inspected, and fixing a few loose door knobs that have been loose for the 12 years we’ve lived in our house. Sometimes enough is enough! I hope you and your families have a great week.
When school was cancelled on Tuesday, it interrupted our Ski/Board Club plans. We’ve worked with Wachusett to extend our season (again). The final two weeks of the season will be on Tuesday, Feb 27 and Tuesday, March 5. Since we’ve pushed out our season so long, group lessons will not take place on March 5, but students will still be able to use the mountain.
We are getting closer to spring, which means spring sports will start up at the end of March. We offer Baseball, Softball, Girls Volleyball, and Spring Track. Our list of tryouts and practices is posted on our website. Please note that any student interested in trying out for a sport needs to have a recent physical on file in our Health Office, and families must complete Family ID information before tryouts. Separately, we are seeking a softball coach. If you are interested in applying or learning more, please be in touch with Jon Duclos ([email protected]), our JH Athletic Director.
Tomorrow is our annual Blue and Gold Day celebration. If your child leaves the house in atypical attire, and they’re dressed in combinations of our two school colors, they’ll be in good company. Each grade level will have an assembly during the afternoon with performances by our band, chorus, and orchestra. Our cheerleaders will perform and we’ll have a student Musical Chairs competition. This assembly is one of the few times we gather as a whole grade, and it’s something I always look forward to. You’ll be able to check out some highlights on our Instagram account after the fact!
For those keeping track, with two snow days, our last day of school is currently Tuesday, June 18, with an 11:10 early dismissal at RJ Grey.
Upcoming Dates
Fri, Feb 16: Blue and Gold Day
Mon, Feb 19 - Fri, Feb 23: Vacation Week - No School
Tues, Feb 27: Ski Club Session #5
Mon, March 4: Early Release at 1 pm
Mon, March 4: Library closed to students after school
Tues, March 5: Presidential Primary voting at RJ Grey
Tues, March 5: School Council meeting at 7 pm
Wed, March 6: 6th to 7th grade info night for families of students on IEPs, 7 pm
Fri, March 8: Trimester 2 Ends
Fri, March 8: Sports Jersey Day
Fri, March 8: March Madness Basketball Tournament, 3 - 4:30 pm
Take care and have a great week!