March 14, 2024 

Good afternoon,

I’ve spent part of the last three Sundays running as part of a road race series. The series started with a 3-mile race, followed by 4 and 5-mile runs on the subsequent Sundays. The race series was a lot of fun and gave me a good goal to work towards as I’ve picked up running again over the past few months. Beginning many years ago, I’ve made running a part of my life, on occasion. Over those years, there have been seasons with lots of miles, including running in several half-marathons and even a marathon. There have also been periods of months or years where I haven’t run anywhere! I have enjoyed getting back out there these last few months, and I know it has had a positive impact on combatting the stress that comes with being a principal. As Spring slowly arrives, I hope you find some way to reconnect with something that feels good in hopefully beautiful weather! 

We had a great turnout for our March Madness event last Friday afternoon. We watched many hard-fought 5-minute basketball games. Even our most skilled players had a hard time with the circumstances, including a highly overinflated basketball that was tricky to dribble and shoot! As we expected, our student audience was well-behaved and boisterous as they cheered for their friends. We owe a huge thank you to the PTSO for helping to organize the small gym, which was food and drink central. Specific thanks go out to Durga Nirgudkar, Liz Gutler, Alok Nemani, Katie Raymond, Majda Tanovic, Archana Barry, and Soula Stratakias, who kept the snacks and drinks flowing. And thank you to all families who donated said food and drink for the event. 

Our March Madness Advisory events continue this month. Yesterday, we had 70+ “plate game” competitions during Advisory. Tomorrow, each Advisory will partner up and compete in several Minute to Win It-style challenges. If you don’t follow us on Instagram (@rjgreyjhs), you should, and you’ll see some pics and videos of the plate game from yesterday. As we continue to work on building a joyful, inclusive community of engaged learners, this month’s Advisory calendar has really highlighted the joyful community present every day at RJ Grey!

Upcoming Dates

  • Mon, March 18: Early Release at 1 pm

  • Wed, March 20: Youth Risk Behavior Survey administered to 8th graders

  • Thurs, March 21: Trimester 2 Report Cards Emailed (if not earlier)

  • Tues, March 26: MCAS 8 ELA

  • Wed, March 27: MCAS 8 ELA

  • Thurs, March 28: Trivia event after school

  • Fri, March 29: No School, Good Friday

  • Mon, April 1: Library closed to students after school

  • Tues, April 2: MCAS 7 ELA

  • Tues, April 2: School Council at 7 pm

  • Wed, April 3: MCAS 7 ELA

Take care and have a great weekend!

Posted by jmarcotte On 14 March, 2024 at 12:48 PM  

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