April 26, 2024 

Good afternoon,

I hope you are enjoying the look of spring, even if the temperatures haven’t made it fully comfortable to be outside yet without some winter gear. I will be excited to feel some warmer temperatures in the coming days. Back in the fall, we partnered with the United Way to plant tulip bulbs in our cafeteria courtyard. The tulips are ready to pop and serve as a nice accompaniment to our outdoor seating in the cafeteria. This time of year is one of my favorites - I hope you get to enjoy the weekend.

On Wednesday night, we hosted 6th grade families for an info session about life at RJ Grey. The event was well att

ended and we got to chat with lots of families about curriculum, clubs, athletics, and other fun topics. Yesterday, our 7th grade students had the opportunity to listen to Janet Singer Applefield describe her experience of living through the Holocaust. Our students were an excellent audience; several of them gave an impressive introduction and asked great questions to our speaker.

We are gearing up for our continued MCAS testing. We’ll tackle Math, Science, and Civics tests for our students according to the schedule below. We ask you to remind students to plug in their Chromebooks the night before testing so that they have a full battery to last through the lengthy tests. Otherwise, we ask you to promote the right attitude about the test - it is one measurement tool for us to know how we’ve taught our students over the year. It is not something to lose sleep over, yet it does give us good feedback that we learn from. Thank you for your help with this.

Finally, if you’re thinking about the summer, like many of us are, I want to let you know about an opportunity to apply for a scholarship for summer programs. The Doli Atamian Campership Program provides scholarships to summer camp programs for children in Acton and Boxborough based on family income. The application process is simple, and each child may receive up to $300 towards a summer camp program or classes of the family’s choice. For more information about the Campership scholarship and an application form, go to www.doliatamiancampership.com or call (978) 515-3227.

Upcoming Dates

  • Tues, April 30: Annual Town Election in RJ Grey Gym

  • Tues, April 30: MCAS Math 8

  • Wed, May 1: MCAS Math 8

  • Thurs, May 2: MCAS Math 7

  • Mon, May 6: MCAS Math 7

  • Mon, May 6: Civics Field Test for 8 Gold students

  • Mon, May 6: Library closed after school

  • Tues, May 7: MCAS Science/Tech 8

  • Wed, May 8: School Council, 7 pm

  • Fri, May 10: Civics Field Test for 8 Gold students

  • Mon, May 13: Civics Field Test for 8 Blue students

  • Wed, May 15: Spring Band Concert

  • Thurs, May 16: Civics Field Test for 8 Blue students

Take care and have a great weekend!

Posted by jmarcotte On 26 April, 2024 at 11:13 AM  

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