Good afternoon,
You’re likely aware that our trimester 2 report cards were emailed earlier this week. They are also saved in the Parent Portal if you need to locate the document again. If you have questions about a grade or a teacher’s comment that your child cannot answer, please contact the teacher to gain some additional clarity. If you think meeting with your child’s team of teachers might be a good step at this time of year, I invite you to be in touch with your child’s counselor to arrange a team meeting. Our counselors’ contact information is located here.
If your student is an 8th grader, please be sure to log into the Parent Portal to select classes for next year by tomorrow (3/22). Doing so now allows the high school to map out how many students need certain classes, which teachers get assigned to those classes, etc. If you need support in completing this process, please check out this doc on the high school website.
If your child is currently in the 7th grade, I sent a Parent Square message yesterday announcing the opening of the Parent Portal for 7th to 8th grade registration. We do the same planning as the high school but on a smaller scale. Knowing which students are taking certain classes is important for us as we map out next year’s programming. Please see our Transition/Registration website for details. We’ll keep the Portal open through next Thursday, March 28.
Finally, as a reminder this week, several of our spring sports begin on Monday, March 25th. The thought of pitchers, catchers, and the long jump excites me for spring! If your child is planning to try out for a sport or join the track team, please make sure you’ve reviewed our spring athletic information. All student-athletes must have registered with Family ID and have proof of a recent physical on file in our Health Office to try out. Having these items taken care of will allow your child to do their best at tryouts.
Upcoming Dates
Tues, March 26: MCAS 8 ELA
Wed, March 27: MCAS 8 ELA
Thurs, March 28: Trivia event after school
Fri, March 29: No School, Good Friday
Mon, April 1: Library closed to students after school
Tues, April 2: MCAS 7 ELA
Tues, April 2: School Council at 7 pm
Wed, April 3: MCAS 7 ELA
Take care and have a great weekend!