Attendance Info

Mrs. Hanley holds the administrative support position in the Junior High front office. Her job revolves around the students. She handles the reception desk, the attendance program, and the daily announcements. She also functions as the conduit between students and families during the school day.

Mrs. Chandler is the assistant to Mr. Marcotte. She is also the office manager, does all the ordering, and handles the bookkeeping.

Here's what you need to know about attendance at the Junior High:

  • Absence: If your child will be absent from school, please call the safe arrival line before 8:00am (978-264-3350, press 1). If you call after 8:00, call 978-264-3350 press 2. State your child's first and last name, spell the last name, give the grade and team, and give a brief reason for the absence.

  • Tardy: If your child will be tardy to school and will miss homeroom, please call the safe arrival line or the front office. Remind your child to check-in at at the office upon arrival. All students who are not in homeroom when the bell rings at 8:00am, even if they are in school, must check in at the office or they will be marked absent.

  • Dismissals: Students who will be dismissed during the school day need a note from home signed by a parent or guardian stating the time of dismissal and whether or not the student will return that day. You may write a note or print a dismissal form. Students should bring the note or completed form to the office first thing in the morning. They will be given a pass to leave class at the appropriate time. They should check in at the office as they are leaving and again when they return. 

Here's how we can help you connect with your kids during the school day:

Students are not allowed to use cell phones at any time between the start of school at 8:00am and dismissal at 2:36pm. If you need to get a message to your child, you may leave it with Mrs. Hanley. There is a phone in the office that students are allowed to use should they need to reach you.

Did your child leave something at home? Here's how to deliver it:

Parents may bring forgotten lunches, homework, gym clothes, etc. to the front office. Please mark all items with your child's first and last name, grade, and team. Students will be called to the office during morning announcements (8:00am) and afternoon announcements (1:20 pm). During the morning, we post an e-mail to all teachers with a list of students who have items or messages at the office. Students are always welcome to stop by if they are expecting something from home. They don't need to wait to hear from the office.

Getting a Pass to Ride a Different Bus:

You can print off a bus pass here or have your child stop by the main office to pick one up!

Dismissal form button
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