RJ Grey JHS Course Registration Worksheet
7th to 8th Grade
As you transition from 7th to 8th grade, you have the chance to provide us with some information on which Grey Block course you would like to take next year. We will automatically enroll you in the rest of your courses (English, Science, Social Studies, etc.). Please complete this worksheet by following the steps below. The completed worksheet will serve as a helpful tool as you submit your course selections on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. We will not collect this worksheet, it is only for your reference as you sign up for courses on the Parent Portal. You and your parents/guardians must complete the course registration on the Parent Portal by March 28, 2024.
Grey Block Course Selections
In this section of the worksheet, you are going to inform us about your preferences for Grey Block next year by completing EITHER Step 1 or Step 2 (not both). Please know that if your schedule requires that you attend Learning Center, ASC, Speech, Reading services, etc. during Grey Block, we will schedule you into those services instead of what you select below. However, we would like all students to complete Steps 1 or 2 in case any of those services change throughout the year. All students must complete Step 3 (next page).
Step 1: Are you interested in taking a Music Elective (Band, Chorus, or String Orchestra) next year?
These courses meet every-other-day during Grey Block and run for the entire year. If you sign up for one of these courses, you are making a commitment to be enrolled in the course for the entire year.
If you are interested in taking Band, Chorus, or String Orchestra, place a checkmark in the box next to the course and then skip ahead to Step 3.
String Orchestra
Step 2: If you did not choose a Music Elective, please complete this section with your Grey Block preferences.
Each Grey Block Elective will run for one quarter, so you will be enrolled in three courses plus a Grey Block Phys Ed course over the course of the year. Please select your top 5 courses (see descriptions on the previous page) below using #1 as your most preferred course and #2 as your second preferred course, etc. We do our best to schedule students into their most preferred classes, so please make sure to select 5 options. Depending on space and scheduling constraints, we may be able to offer some students the chance to have two Grey Block Phys Ed classes. If interested in this option, please choose “Additional PE class” when you submit your registration on PowerSchool
Courses Rank #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Art Lab
Competitive Engineering
Design Challenge
Digital Design
Digital Lab
Fiber Arts
Handmade Arts
Additional PE class
Step 3: Log-on to the PowerSchool Parent Portal
It is important that your parents/guardians help you with this step, as the Parent Portal account belongs to them.
Log onto the Parent Portal at this link: https://powerschool.abschools.org/public/
If you have forgotten your password, or have never logged on to the Parent Portal, please contact Kerry Lewis at [email protected] or at 978-264-3350 ext. 34110.
Choose Forms on the left sidebar
Under “24-25 RJG Scheduling” please open the two forms listed here:
8th Grade (math class) Placement
Each child will have their own math placement letter included here. Please read the letter and click the appropriate button at the bottom of the page indicating “I acknowledge that my child is recommended for…”
RJ Grey JHS Grey Block Registration (to tell us which Grey Block your child wants to take)
If you want to take a music elective: Choose Band, Chorus, or String Orchestra in the dropdown menu, followed by Submit.
If you want to take a series of Grey Block elective classes:
Choose Grey Block Rotation. Based on the Grey Block courses on the previous page of this packet, choose your “first choice” of courses, followed by your “second choice”, etc. Please do not select the same course twice. Doing so will not help guarantee that you are placed in that course. Complete all five choices and press Submit when you’ve finished.
Thank you for submitting this Course Registration information
on the Parent Portal by March 28, 2024.
Questions related to course registration should be directed to your team counselor:
7 Gold and 7 Red: Mr. Duclos
7 Blue and 7 Green: Ms. Eagle