Late Bus

August, 2023

Dear Families, 

We are pleased to once again provide a Late Bus service to students currently enrolled at RJ Grey and the High School.  Our hope is that the Late Bus service will continue to support students in accessing our after-school programs and activities.  

At the start of the year we will continue to schedule two buses for students at the Junior High and High School.  Each of these buses will be assigned one portion of our community and have a series of predetermined student dropoff points.  These stops are intended to serve as central drop off locations that service large neighborhood areas throughout the community where students can more conveniently walk to their final destination or from where parents can pick them up. You can click here to view the list of planned stops.  

The Late Bus will arrive at the Junior High at approximately 4:30pm each day (Monday through Friday), and then pick up students at the High School at approximately 4:40pm.  The Late Bus will then depart the campus around 4:45pm and begin its route.  The Late Bus will not be in service on days when both the Junior High and High School have an early release schedule.  Please also note the following: 

  • The Late Bus will not be able to accept special requests for additional stops including, but not limited to, private businesses and enrichment programs.  The intent of the Late Bus service is to better support the participation of students in our school-sponsored activities and programs. 

  • The Late Bus will not pick up any riders from the pre-determined stops.  The only “pick up” locations are at the Junior High and High School for ABRSD students currently enrolled in Grades 7-12.  

  • Students and families who choose to utilize the Late Bus must accept the responsibility that is inherent in this type of service.  Students will need to independently identify their preferred stop and their plans once they disembark, and to communicate those plans with their family as needed.  We encourage families to discuss their expectations ahead of using the Late Bus and keep in mind seasonal changes in daylight and weather considerations. 

  • Behavior expectations for students traveling on ABRSD buses apply to the Late Bus.  Students who are not able to meet those expectations may not be permitted to continue accessing this particular service.  

If ridership of the Late Bus proves to be significant, we will certainly explore the benefits of including an additional bus to accommodate the need.  We hope that this aspect of our transportation program continues to be of benefit to our families.  


Jim Marcotte, RJ Grey Principal
Joanie Dean, ABRHS Principal 
Jennifer Lashombe, Transportation Manager

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