Athletics Registration

Introduction to Athletics Registration

Registration is a 2-step process:

  • Step 1: Register on the FamilyID website. Any student who wishes to tryout for a JHS team must register online at a website called FamilyID. Families with older siblings may remember needing to fill out a "Green Form" - FamilyID has taken the place of the Green Form.
  • Step 2: Submit a current physical to health office. Please do NOT upload the physical documentation to Family ID. Students must have an up-to-date physical on file with the JHS health office (our school nurse, Amanda Frank). Students must register prior to every season in which they want to participate. For example, if a student participates in a fall sport (say, Cross Country) and wants to play basketball in the spring, they must register for basketball prior to the spring season on FamilyID.

How to Register:

  1. Registration for a sport will begin several weeks prior to the start of the season. You will need your child's Student ID to register, as this will connect our school's information system with FamilyID. Their Student ID can be found in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
  2. Go to AB's FamilyID Website.
  3. Towards the bottom of that page, Look for a blue heading labeled "PROGRAMS". Click on the link for the upcoming season.
  4. Read the information, and then click on the green "REGISTER NOW" button. If this is your first time using FamilyID, click "CREATE ACCOUNT". If you already have a FamilyID account, proceed to Step 7 below.
  5. Create your secure FamilyID account by entering the account owner First and Last names (parent/guardian), email address and desired password. Select "I Agree to the FamilyID Terms of Service". Click "CREATE ACCOUNT".
  6. You will receive an email with a link to activate your new account. (If you don’t see the email, check your E-mail filters (spam, junk, etc.). Click on the link in your activation email, which will log you into Proceed to Step 8 below.
  7. If you already have a FamilyID account, click "LOG IN". (If you are already logged in from a prior session, you may not need to log-in again and will proceed to the next step automatically).
  8. Once in the registration form, complete the information requested. When selecting the desired team, please be sure to select the team labeled "Junior High". All fields with a red* are required to have an answer. Click the "CONTINUE" button when your form is complete. Review your registration summary.
  9. Up-to-date physical reports must be submitted to the RJ Grey health office. This is the one step that is not handled electronically - you must provide a paper copy of your physical report directly to the RJ Grey nurses office.

Athletic Forms:

Payment Process:

If a student makes a team, they must pay the athletic fee prior to participation (there is no fee to try out). This year, the athletic fee is $350 per season, with a family cap of $1000 for the year. All payments must be paid by CHECK and submitted to the team coach. We will not be accepting electronic payments at this time due to technical difficulties.

All athletic fees must be paid (or waived) no later than one week prior to the first game or meet. Students who have not paid their fee will not be provided a uniform, not be permitted to compete, and will not be permitted to travel by bus with the team. If a fee waiver is required due to financial constraints, please request a waiver using the instructions found in the "Athletic Forms" section above.

Play for the Cure Photo


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