6th to 7th Registration

Important Dates:

Mon, April 22: Mr. Marcotte shares Registration Info with all 6th grade families

Wed, April 24: 6th Grade Family Information Night, 6:45 pm

Wed, May 1: Parent Portal opens at 8 am

Fri, May 10: Parent Portal closes for course registration

Fri, May 17: Family Information Form Due

Important Links:

Power School Parent Portal

Registration Worksheet

Grey Block Course Descriptions

Family Information Form

Immunization Requirements

Click: Slides from April 24 Info Session
Click: Video of April 24 Info Session

April 22, 2024
We are looking forward to welcoming your child to RJ Grey Junior High School this coming Fall. The course registration process will be completed by families via
an online platform through the Parent Portal. The instructions for how to complete the online registration process are found on the “RJ Grey JHS Registration Worksheet,” also located on the left panel. The registration process opens on May 1st and families must complete the course registration on the Parent Portal by May 10, 2024.

Students will automatically be enrolled in 7th grade courses such as English, Science, Social Studies, Math, Physical Education, and Exploratories (often known as “Specials” at the elementary level).  However, there are areas where individual student choice enters the process, specifically regarding World Language and our Grey Block period.   

World Language Choices

All students at RJ Grey enroll in a World Language that they will study in both 7th and 8th grade, and are asked to choose either Spanish or French. If your child has no preference for which world language to take, please indicate "No preference;" this provides us with additional scheduling flexibility. Students who successfully complete the two-year course of study at RJ Grey would typically be recommended for Intermediate Spanish I or Intermediate French I in 9th grade at the High School.  When selecting their World Language preference, students should keep in mind that it is a two-year commitment.  

There are students whose Special Education services will supersede participation in a World Language, and this would have been discussed at their student’s Special Education transition meeting.  If this is the case for your child, please select “No World Language” on the Parent Portal.

Grey Block Choices 

All students have the Grey Block period every other day and is when students participate in either a full-year music elective (Band, Chorus, or String Orchestra) or the Grey Block Elective Rotation. Students who select Band, Chorus or String Orchestra are guaranteed a space in the program they select, and is what they will attend for the duration of the year. If your child has taken Band, Chorus, or String Orchestra in elementary school, we highly recommend that they continue with these courses! Building upon their foundation in the earlier grades will allow them to refine their skills in the Junior High.

For students who choose the Grey Block Elective Rotation, they will participate in a rotation of classes where they have a different elective during each quarter (approximately 21-23 class meetings). All students enrolled in the Grey Block Elective Rotation will take one quarter of a Phys Ed-based class during Grey Block. As a result of reducing one PE position in our A and B budgets, students will have slightly fewer PE class meetings during their team-based PE/Health block. In order to supplement the lost classes, we will schedule students into a Grey Block PE class in order to make sure our students have greater opportunity to be active during the year. 

Students who opt for the Elective Rotation will be asked to indicate their preferences in categories of Grey Block courses available for next year, in addition to one quarter of a Phys Ed-based class. Our hope is that with four quarters in the year, we will have the opportunity to schedule students into at least one of their more preferred choices. That goal notwithstanding, students need to be prepared for the likelihood that at some point in the year they will be enrolled in an elective that was lower on their list of preferences. We view the Grey Block electives as an opportunity for students to experience something in a low-stakes and short-term setting. For this, and other logistical reasons, please know that we cannot accommodate student/family requests for changes to elective assignments before or during the school year. We ask parents/guardians to join us in reinforcing this important message to our students. A full description of the music electives and the Elective Rotation options is located here (and on the left panel of this site). 

Additional Information 

Students who are scheduled to be in the Academic Support Center (ASC), Math Explorations or Reading will have those course requests pre-loaded by their teachers. Families will see these recommended services as separate forms in the Parent Portal. Services delivered through an IEP will be added to a student’s schedule later this spring. 

The team placement process focuses on creating teams that strive for balance and diversity in areas such as gender, World Language, and scheduling specific services that may be part of a student’s daily schedule. We know that maintaining friendships is important, especially as students transition to the Junior High. However, please note that as part of the registration and team placement process, we cannot accept individual social requests. We are committed to your student’s social growth and comfort at RJ Grey and 7th grade will continue to be a year where social connections naturally expand and shift in ways that naturally help with that part of the Junior High experience. 

Additionally, requests for specific teams and/or “teacher shopping” isn’t something that we are able to consider. That reminder notwithstanding, we also appreciate that families may have useful information for us to consider as part of the team placement process.  If, as one example, you are a family that may have had a prior experience at RJ Grey that you want us to keep in mind, please use this online Family Information Form to share it. Also, families who may have siblings entering 7th grade (twins, triplets, blended families), please use this form to indicate whether you would like them placed on the same team, or separate teams.  It is much more helpful to hear your concerns before team placement than after placement is finalized and released. This way, if needed, we can connect with you to discuss your questions or concerns.  If there is information that you feel is important to share, you may choose to fill out this optional Family Information Form that is also completed and submitted online.  This form will open on May 1 must be submitted by May 17, 2024.

Thank you for working with your child on completing the registration process by deadlines outlined above. If you have questions about your child’s course registration, please begin by speaking to your child’s current 6th grade teacher.  


James Marcotte


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